
Not All Men

After many years, I finally have a response for this shit. Not all Nazi’s worked the death camps, either, sweetie. But every pencil-pushing administrator who never fired a shot, every single one who showed up to work and did what they were told to avoid personal repercussions even when they disagreed with the ideology, every…

Dancing and Boundaries

I have a hell of a time setting boundaries. Whenever I don’t say yes to what someone else wants, I feel like I’m going to get in trouble. I can remember almost every time I’ve refused someone simply becuase I didn’t want to do something, and I carry those instances around as proof that I’m…

AITA: Co-parenting Questions

I think there are three easy questions you can ask yourself to determine if you’re pulling your weight as a coparent. 1) what meal can you make, using only the ingredients you have in your house right now, that the whole family would eat without complaint? 2) what is the shoe size of all your children,…


Our story begins in 1992, when legendary guitarist Eric Clapton released Unplugged, which included an acoustic version of Layla that swept the radio airwaves and imprinted itself on thousands of young people who had either never hear the original, or never really paid attention when it played on the Oldies station their father listened to.…

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